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Producer and Super Karkiv who developed Ableton Live, created and developed sound of different types, with projects that he started when created the first song and developed the first successful digital video.

For several years he produced and projected different themes developed according to radio and television contact, always updated in various types and styles of music with remixes, with access to a large set of instruments, drums and rhythms, dances and voice beats. Always with a lot of technology.

On the dance floor, he always developed sound and music according to the knowledge he later acquired as a producer, deejay, and remixer.

He created voice recording projects, ambient sounds from different places, and themes that he mixed with electronic & technological sounds.

Still with several projects and productions, he has always experimented with different video & image, and sound platforms, always updating the Music, Video & Image system.

One Record Peak Badge for implemented changes in our powered platform by one audio & video producer/prodothor until our images animated one instead Venetian brand Bossule display Karkiv Main coordinator promoting culture and education in all countries collaboration appearing info and information to create a place for kids to protect for a family growing in badge in the same songlandia DJ until sampleteria Ducer!

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